
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week 5: Anti-War

Week 5: Anti-War


      The writers from these sites have strong anti-war opinions and these websites are never in the mainstream news because of their strong views. The reason that these websites are not in the mainstream media is due to the views that they have, and how they contrast that of the government’s, which is why the government might be trying to make it harder to find these websites. Another reason that they might be hard to find is because there are bigger industries that have a bigger following, such as CNN and Fox, which would make it harder for people to find websites that are smaller. This is especially true if the consumer is not seeing an advertisement or some publicity for the website because there are so many less well-known sites that it is hard to see them all. I think it is also hard to find websites with ani-war opinions because our country is basically built on war. We are almost always in a constant state of war and this is a big factor in how decisions in our country are made, and it would feel almost like we are going against a tradition if we were to not be at war. If people had anti-war websites in the mainstream media, then I think the government would be worried about having more opposition in what they would want to do when it comes to war. It would make it harder for the U.S. to go to war because more citizens would not be in favor of going to war, thus making it a harder decision to go to war because it would make a larger amount of people angry than it would if people had never seen the anti-war websites. It makes the government look bad when you must dig deep for information like this, but I guess it’s like the old adage, what you don’t know can’t hurt you. I also think that all people should dig deep to stay informed on all topics because that way you are not hearing one side or an extreme opinion.

Work Cited
“The American Conservative.” The American Conservative,

Week 4: Antitrust

Week 4: Antitrust

Antitrust law concept

      The antitrust investigation into Facebook is due to the way that they are operating. Some of their operations include, “endangered consumer data, reduced the quality of consumers' choices, or increased the price of advertising”, said New York Attorney General Letitia James (Fung). These allegations are important to us, the consumer because these practices could be hindering our freedom of speech if Facebook is reducing the quality of consumer choices. This could be dangerous because Facebook could control a narrative that they want to push on certain subjects by silencing people who oppose their view on the subject. This is kind of like the war on the press in the way that people are being silenced because they have a differing opinion. While Facebook is not throwing people into prison, like the war on the press had happened, they are in the same manner trying to control what the consumer has for choices to read on topics, and these choices might be limited to what Facebook would want so they would want to silence those who have an opinion that might differ from theirs and might be seen by others on Facebook. The article says that “widespread concerns among policymakers that Silicon Valley's biggest players may be harming competition” (Fung), which could be a big deal because that would mean that these big companies, like Facebook, could be hurting competition by silencing their voice when it comes to their marketing or what they are able to say. This can happen because of “Public Accommodation,” which means that private property that is open to the public is treated as public property (Notes), this is why the government has the ability to go after Facebook because they are a private company but they are a public commodity. Therefore the government launched an investigation into the practices of Facebook.

Work Cited
Fung, Brian. “Facebook Hit with Antitrust Investigation by Eight States and DC.” CNN, Cable News Network, 6 Sept. 2019,

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Week 3: Supreme Court

Supreme Court

Roberts Court (2017-)

       The Supreme Court is bound by the Constitution and has to interpret the Constitution to this day. Although the President might be able to appoint a Chief Justice and may try to influence their decisions, the Chief Justice acts independently from outside powers. They set the boundaries of power for the President, Congress, and States, this entails telling them what they can and can not do. Chief Justice John Marshall set the ground for the Supreme Court and their power by saying that an act of Congress was unconstitutional. The public respected this and what Chief Justice Marshall was doing, and saw them as a powerful part of the government. After that, the Supreme Court had a case in which they ruled that Congress could not ban slavery, this hurt the way that people saw the Supreme Court and their authority. After this happened, the civil war occurred and abolished slavery, the 14th amendment was created to make sure that slavery was abolished. The Supreme Court accepts about 100 petitions a year. Each Justice has a small staff of law clerks and secretaries that help them sort through petitions, but each is responsible for deciding what happens with their case. The Supreme Court meets weekly to decide on which cases to take and discuss and vote on cases that have already been talked about. The cases are heard in public and lawyers on each side are given thirty minutes to make their arguments. The Justices ask the lawyers questions and these questions can be asked to the lawyers specifically or they might use the lawyer to try and ask other Justices questions through the questions that they ask the lawyer. After a few days the Justices vote on the case and after they vote a Justice on the majority side writes an opinion explaining the reasons for their decision. 

Work Cited

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week 2: 5G Networks

News about 5G Networks

Phones connect all of us as a species. It allows us to communicate with each other, no matter where we are. The introduction of 5G will allow us to keep connected with each other and all that is happening in the world no matter where we are. It will provide a faster and stronger network for phones to run off of. This relates to us not only as a major but as a community and a species. Download speeds with 5G will be expected to be at "1GBps" (McCann) and this is said to be the new "norm" (McCann) for phones. This can help in times of emergency and during disasters, to help rally everyone to give aid and to stay connected with loved ones. It is also helpful for people when trying to stay informed about the current news. This is a big advancement in technology not only for phones but for the internet and gaming. As a game design major, this will allow for gaming to be even better in the future with the progress that this might help with faster internet speeds and better performance while gaming. This is a hope that I have for the future of gaming as it is an important area of bringing people together through communication. As a game design major, this gives me a sense of pride when it comes to the field that I am going into because it shows how innovative we have become and all of the promising things that are to come in the future. This is why I think this article and 5G is an important part of our future.

Work Cited

McCann, John. “5G: Everything You Need to Know.” TechRadar, TechRadar, 17 Jan. 2020,