
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Week 11: Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight Values of Free Expression

I think that the promotion of innovation through free speech is the most important because it is what makes America so great at being creative and allows us to invent new technologies. Freedom of speech helped to create technologies that allow us to communicate with others, such as phones, and this is important to make sure that we are all connected and can help to further our society. If the speech was restricted, it makes it hard for people to innovate things because they can not express ideas and go against other ideas that might be used to try and make an innovation. Freedom of speech also helps with innovation because it allows people to communicate their ideas with each other and allows them to take other people's thoughts and use them to help come up with an idea for an invention, this is particularly useful in things like research, especially right now in fields that are trying to come up with a vaccine for COVID-19 because doctors can take the ideas that other doctors were using to try and get a vaccine and that might help one doctor put that idea into some of his to come up with a vaccine. If there was no freedom of speech, it would not allow people to do research and publish that research because the government might not allow it if that research goes against an idea that the government might be trying to push onto the population, it would also hinder people from taking other ideas and findings to help their own research because they won't have the information available to use. Innovation is an important part of having a good economy because other countries might not have something that is being created and will buy it, which helps with globalization and improving the quality of life in the countries that are creating new things. I think that this is underrated because people do not realize how restricted speech could prevent innovation and creativity for people who do not have the ability to speak freely. I, as someone who is a game design major, find freedom of speech very important for people in my field because it allows us to create games that are not censored because it is something the government does not like or agree with, this would be hindering innovation and creativity in the game design filed. I am a huge advocate for freedom of speech, especially for something that directly impacts something I love to do.          

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