
Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 14: Privacy, Online & Offline

Privacy, Online & Offline

Facial Recognition – Shaping the future of Identity Verification Market

I have known that your internet history and what you post leaves a trail and that it is something that never truly goes away, but I did not realize the extent at which it is at with what was talked about in the TED talk. I like how the TED talk speaker talks about tattoos and how they tell stories and can drive a narrative and then compares them to the internet and how the internet is like a tattoo because it can also tell stories about a person. It is interesting how the TED talk speaker talked about facial recognition and how it is getting better and showed an image of people with the names of that person, and then goes on to describe how you could go to a place and take a picture of the person, get their name, then look them up and get their information. I found this to be very interesting because we truly never know who is watching us or maybe even stalking us if all they have to do is take a picture of you and then they have your information. I think this is a scary thing to think about, and it also feels like a violation of privacy at the same time, I think it is cool that facial recognition has gotten better, but what purpose does it actually serve? Do we really need a system that will identify people by their faces available to everyday people? This can be a dangerous thing if put into the wrong hands, and I think that this should be something that only law enforcement has because it is not an essential thing for everyday people to have because there is no good purpose for it. 

I also found the idea that we are immortal an interesting concept that the TED talk speaker brought up. He talked about immortality and how we are all immortal because of the online footprint that we leave behind. I think that this is an interesting way to look at it, and I think that I can somewhat agree that this does make us immortal in a sense because we are leaving behind a legacy that will be here even after we are gone. He also talks about threats that you make to people and how death is usually the best one that people make, but threatening someone with immortality is worse, I think that if people stopped and thought about the legacy that they would leave behind with their online footprint that many people would change what they are doing and act differently, it might even change who people are because they would not like what legacy they will leave behind when they are gone.  

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