
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Week 12: Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion of Innovations

is the most popular social networking website. Most popular being from being the website with the most members which is ranging on the one billion plus mark. Logo Facebook, Facebook Profile, Facebook Likes, Facebook Marketing, Facebook News, Internet Marketing, Social Media Training, Social Media Apps, Socialism

The newer innovation that I am going to take a look at is Facebook. Facebook first started out as a small online social site for a small group of people, but eventually grew into a site that is used by almost everyone. Facebook seemed like it blew up overnight, but in fact, it took almost a year before Facebook would become a well known social site that many people would join. Facebook was a new innovation that allowed users to connect with each other no matter where they are in the world, all you have to do is have an account and add that person as a friend. Facebook took off due to early adopters who would use the site to add people as friends, then they spread the word to people that they know and would add them on Facebook, and that person would spread the word about adding him on Facebook to his friends, and so on, which created a way that Facebook was able to spread to people across the world and that is how it was able to spread so easily. Word of mouth was the original communication channel that was used to spread Facebook to others and this is how Facebook was able to spread and become popular with others. The passage of time is important for this innovation to be adopted (, this can be seen when I mentioned earlier that it took time for Facebook to open up to the public and it took time for people to spread the word about Facebook to others, but once it got going it really took off. The social system that is involved here is being able to connect socially with other people from across the world and to stay in touch with people, especially if you do not see them a lot, this is important for the growth of an innovation like Facebook. The social system also helped Facebook because of the publicity that Facebook was getting from external influences that talked about the new innovation that was surfacing, and this got the name out there for Facebook. Like many new innovations that are creative and helpful, they get publicity from news sources. 

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